MSME Reignited - Hope for Tomorrow

Here's what I've discovered; sometimes life throws a rock at you, not to harm you, but to wake you up! You see, human beings are not like trees. Trees perform better when they are most comfortable.
Here's what I've discovered; sometimes life throws a rock at you, not to harm you, but to wake you up! You see, human beings are not like trees. Trees perform better when they are most comfortable. On the contrary, human beings are most effective when in turbulence! People don't grow during celebrations, they grow during hardships. People hardly learn on their way up. They learn on their way down! We discover more when we fail than when we succeed. That's the way life is!
Thomas Edition perceived more from his numerous failures in light bulb experiment than when he succeeded. And those failures contributed immensely to his success and legacy. The builders of Titanic learned more when disaster struck than when they were merrymaking. The Israelites learned more about GOD in the wilderness than when they were eating meat in Egypt. So, take it positively when you are hit hard and instead of complaining, put on an attitude of curiosity; curiosity of an eager student, and learn! One of my mentors told me to ask GOD for more problems so I can do better and grow in life. It's true! And you will win if you don't quit! You will emerge stronger, wiser and bigger after the crisis! You will Live Your Dream!