Other CSR engagements
Michelle Obama: “People who are truly strong lift others up. People who are truly powerful bring others together.”
LYD has developed a mentorship program to enhance the capacity of individuals interested in personal, professional, or business growth. You can join hands with us and help other people Live their Dreams.Whether you want to be mentored or to be a mentor, this is a great platform for you. You can subscribe as a mentor in order to give back to the community by promoting growth and development for others. You can also subscribe to be mentored and learn from other peers. And, yes, it is okay to be both; that is to say, you are a mentor to someone and at the same time being mentored. LYD will be matching the mentors and mentees accordingly.
If you are interested in being part of this Peer Mentoring Program, kindly fill out the form alongside. It will help us know how best you can plug into the program and match you with an appropriate peer. Our intention is to get know know you better, including your strengths, experience, background, what you currently do, and any other information that can help us find the best fit for you in order to draw maximum possible value from the experience. As you can understand, getting a miss-match would be counterproductive.

Donations, Youth & Education Support
Live Your Dream engages in charitable causes giving talks to youths and women, giving to charity homes and orphanages, and other related activities
Partnerships and Collaborations
Besides Power Monday we also hold many other free webinar, in conjunction with other organizations and leaders, that are meant to empower the public.