Be a Certified Trainer of Women in Digital Business (WIDB)

  • WIDB is a program recently launched by the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization (ITC-ILO) aimed at empowering women entrepreneurs with essential digital skills to leverage technology for business growth. Initiated in 2023, the course content was primarily developed by ITC-ILO. However, our organization, Live Your Dream, delivers an enriched version, incorporating locally and regionally relevant content designed in collaboration with our sister organization ICT Gurus EA Limited.
  • Apart from Self-guided modules through WIDB platform, LYD is partnering with ITC-ILO to deliver this course both virtually via the Zoom platform and through in-person sessions. LYD has two Lead Trainers certified by ITC-ILO to customize and deliver the course effectively. We welcome partnerships with other organizations in this noble endeavour to equip women with critical digital skills, enabling them to transition from manual processes and traditional marketing strategies to online and digitized platforms, thus enhancing their brands beyond the confines of their physical presence, increasing their productivity, profitability, and sustainability for improved socio-economic and environmental impact.
To learn more about this course, register  HERE
The WIDB Trainer course content includes the following: 
  • The foundational WIDB course the trainer is expected to deliver to assist women entrepreneurs in thriving using digital skills
  • How to conduct effective adult training
  • Practical practice sessions with peers and live audience
  • Self-guided sessions on the WIDB platform
  • Action plan

You are qualified if you:
  • Have a background in training or enjoy training
  • Have access to, love, and have extensive experience in easily using digital gadgets and tools like smartphones, laptops, and computers
  • Are willing to invest a bit in honing your training skills and becoming an authority in the industry
  • Are comfortable with Zoom virtual meeting application
  • Are highly committed, with impeccable leadership skills
  • Are excited about expanding your revenue streams

This course is not free, but it is worth every investment one can make.
To register for a virtual information session, kindly fill out the BELOW

The Information Session was done as below:

Virtual, held on:
  • Wednesday, 29th January 2025, 10:00 am to 11:00 am
  • Thursday, 30th January 2025, 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm
  • Nairobi Time.

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